Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gun-free zone menaced by gunman

Once again we were treated over the weekend to the tragic news of a disturbed kid shooting up a college campus in Northern Illinois...

Shortly after 3 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, tragedy struck the campus of Northern Illinois University. A gunman entered a class in Cole Hall, shooting and killing five NIU students and injuring 18 other students before taking his own life.

I guess that kid didn't hear about the gun-free zone on campus. Of course the MSM will bleat and sniffle about how stricter gun-control laws would have prevented this tragedy. Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the country....and some of the stupidest. When are these people going to learn that gun-free zones only makes defenseless victims out of everybody? How many parents of those 23 dead or injured kids do you think would have objected to one trained, armed student taking action in that classroom? It's a rhetorical question because the answer obviously is ZERO!

The tragedy is that there are no laws mandating gun-free zones. These "zones" are contrived by politically correct, bureaucrat loons because it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside to imagine a world where peace, harmony, hemp, and petchouli abound. The reality is that there are nuts out there who mean us harm and disarming ourselves makes us easy victims.

If you are a sniveling, liberal, anti-gun moron, then show how stridently you believe in gun-control by placing a sign in your front yard this Friday or Saturday night that reads, "This house is proud to be a gun-free zone". Then see how long into the night your lives last.

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