Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hard to please

It is embarrassing to me that the wife of a major presidential candidate had this to say about the country she supposedly loves...

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

Nothing, nothing makes her proud? Let's see, her adult life started in 1982. She finds no pride in America feeding and clothing the world in every crisis? Not in America rescuing countries from oppression, misery, and despair? Not in America leading the world in lifesaving medicine, technology, and science? Not in America providing the opportunities for two black people(Barak and Michelle) to obtain Harvard law degrees and go on to wildly successful and lucrative careers?

No, it takes her husband's vacuous, popularity-fueled, smoke-and-mirrors candidacy for President to make her proud of America? Who in the hell wants a woman that narcissistic and contemptible as First Lady? Not me....and unless you are a retarded socialist, not you either.


  1. Another fine example in a long list of reasons to vote for the other party's candidate. Imagine if this man picks Hilly to be his running mate!

  2. @bobby t,

    Heaven help us!!!
