Monday, February 18, 2008

Smoke on the Water

Otherwise entitled: Peace and Love Hamas style.

Once again those peace loving Muslims have added to their long list of destruction.

The YMCA in Jerusalem was looted and burned. The Hamas terrorists came in and confiscated everything they wanted, leaving only Christian books and YMCA pamphlets. They then "burned the place to the ground". Their angry retort was that the only thing the YMCA was there for was to introduce christianity to their kids. So much for fellowship and cardio-vascular advances by working out. I guess in the Middle East, one only needs to be equipped to throw a grenade or to run into a market full of women with a bomb strapped to your chest. So much for live and let live. So much for all we need is love.
The days of buying the world a Coke are long gone and have been replaced by a time when, if not careful, one will get to meet the Spirit in the Sky, sooner than they think.
I have no problem with the Hamas' dissatisfaction with the YMCA. I have a huge problem with their actions. These folks need to learn that there are others occupying the Gaza strip with them and they had better learn to play fair. Or maybe someone will decide to retaliate and blow up some Hamas athletic club. Further sending the region into chas and into a fitness balck hole. I hear that Gold's Gym is looking into the area for expansion, so theres still hope.

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