Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The truth about government health-care

OK, for all you shiftless degenerates out there who think that single-payer, Hillary-style, free health-care would be a great thing for America, watch this short clip (about 5 minutes) and then argue in favor of socialized medicine in the comments thread.


  1. Pros of Universal Medicare:
    Everyone gets free health care

    Cons of Universal Medicare:
    It takes months to get an appointment.
    The doctors/pharmacists/providers/etc. are terrible because there is no incentive to work in that field.
    Your own animals get faster and better care than you.

    The video made an excellent point I had not thought about too, even if you have the money to pay for health care, you still have to wait in line. That is by far the most ridiculous thing I've heard so far. Also, what is the government's plan for pregnant women? Do they get priority because they are pregnant? Yes they have nine months before a baby pops out, but will they get a jump in the line because of that fact? If so, why won't someone who has less than 9 months to live get a jump in the line for health care. We already see the effects of waiting in line now. Look at organ transplants: no matter how long you have to live, you will have to wait in line. If health care becomes universalized, I am leaving this country, because I am not about to let the government decide how long I have to wait for health care, essentially, how long I have to live.

  2. Pros of Universal Medicare:
    Everyone gets free health care

    Cons of Universal Medicare:
    It takes months to get an appointment.
    The doctors/pharmacists/providers/etc. are terrible because there is no incentive to work in that field.
    Your own animals get faster and better care than you.

    The video made an excellent point I had not thought about too, even if you have the money to pay for health care, you still have to wait in line. That is by far the most ridiculous thing I've heard so far. Also, what is the government's plan for pregnant women? Do they get priority because they are pregnant? Yes they have nine months before a baby pops out, but will they get a jump in the line because of that fact? If so, why won't someone who has less than 9 months to live get a jump in the line for health care. We already see the effects of waiting in line now. Look at organ transplants: no matter how long you have to live, you will have to wait in line. If health care becomes universalized, I am leaving this country, because I am not about to let the government decide how long I have to wait for health care, essentially, how long I have to live.

  3. And sorry that posted twice.
