Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rat, the other white meat

All celebrities, even the one-legged variety, have an astonishingly inflated estimation of their own self-importance. Paul McCartney's ex, Heather Mills, is no exception. She's a rabid animal rights oriented environmentalists who likes to lecture us little people about how we can dramatically diminish our standard of living in order to save the planet from the wholly imaginary menace of global warming. I know what you're thinking: stop driving SUV's? Invest in solar panels for your home? Buy idiotic carbon credits from the Goreacle? No, Heather want's us to stop drinking cow's milk...

She said that eating meat and dairy and chopping down trees in order to breed livestock was seriously damaging the environment and she suggested there were more eco-friendly alternatives to using cow's milk.
"Why don't we drink rat's milk or cat's milk or dog's milk?" she asked.

How exactly does one milk a rat, Heather? And how many rats does it take to provide enough milk for the bowl of Coco Puffs that I enjoy every morning? Would there be vast rat farms in the mid-west to satisfy the demand for milk?

Celebrity environmentalists are the single most annoying idiots in the idiot kingdom. Seriously, rat's milk? And I thought Sheryl Crowe and her one-square-of-toilet-paper campaign had plumbed the greatest depths of stupidity. Well there's a new champion of stupid....Heather Mills........rat's milk!

Hat tip to Moonbattery.

1 comment:

  1. Ask her where she gets her milk from other animals other than cows. And if we don't use cows, and start "abusing" rats and dogs and cats, will she start pestering us about them? Or are they less important animals? There will always be an "abused" animal, and there will always be alternatives. I swear celebrities should be revoked the right to free speech sometimes.
