Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The country of Babel

As you know, Nancy Pelosi is a vile, loathsome wretch, whose sole purpose as Speaker is to advance every anti-American, liberal cause that the ACLU agrees with. One of those is the defeat of a bill that would exempt from prosecution small businesses which require their employees to speak English on the job.

Question: Now why would SanFranNan object to businesses requiring that employees speak the accepted common language of business in America?
Answer: Because liberals envision America as a multicultural society in which all languages and cultures are equal and must be embraced. To liberals, there's no such thing as "American". Society must conform to and gladly accept whatever language or bizarre cultural rituals immigrants choose to practice, regardless of how difficult and unpleasant it makes life for the rest of us. To Nancy, no business can require an employee to speak English, rather that business must become multi-lingual to accommodate that employee. How dare we impose our culture and language on others?

I, and others, have said it before; a nation without defined and controlled borders, a common language, and a common culture will quickly cease to exist as a nation, and instead be reduced to a disparate, cacophonous collection of sniveling tribes.


  1. The more multicultural we become, the more divided we become. Plain and Simple

  2. She needs to be gone. IN case some of you non english speakers are out there, this means taken out/eliminated/discarded/trashed. Oh I forgot you dont speak english either.

    WELL YOU-E GO-E WITH HER!!! (Yelling to be understood)
