Monday, November 19, 2007

When socialized medicine and Islam intersect

You know how I'm always ridiculing some of the practices of Islamic cultures abroad as backwards, third-world, and barbaric? Well guess what? I'm right!

Women are being given controversial "virginity repair" operations on the NHS, it emerged last night.
Taxpayers funded 24 hymen replacement operations between 2005 and 2006, official figures revealed.
And increasing numbers of women are paying up to £4,000 in private clinics for the procedure apparently under pressure from future spouses or in-laws who believe they should be virgins on their wedding night.
Doctors said most patients are immigrants or British of ethnic origin.

The trend has been condemned by critics as a sign of social regression driven by Islamic fundamentalists. Some countries have made hymen reconstruction operations illegal.

And just in case you think I'm unfairly impuning a culture not my own, out of xenophobia and ignorance, read this...

Dr Magdy Hend, consultant gynaecologist at the Regency Clinic, Harley Street, London, who started hymen reconstruction more than 18 years ago in the Middle East and the Gulf, said: "In some cultures they like to see that the women will bleed on the wedding night. If the wife or bride is not a virgin, it is a big shame on the family."

How absurd, stupid, and insecure are these Muslim men that they think hymen repair means their wives didn't have sex with people besides them already? And how barbaric to want to see the woman you love(and by "love" I mean "own") bleed in pain on your wedding night to prove she's a virgin? If your culture demands that you give your daughter's husband three pigs and a puka-shell necklace as a dowrey, fine. If your culture demands that you wear a bamboo pole on your penis as a sign of virility, fine. I can respect that, but even these primitive jungle tribesmen aren't deluded enough to think that hymen repair restores a woman's virginity.

The only funny thing about this story is that Great Britain's idiotic socialized medicine system is paying for it all. And in doing so, they're welcoming still more of the creeping infestation of radical Islamic culture into their own.


  1. This is too bizarre to even comment on.

  2. What a sexy picture! Imagine seeing this every time you come home. Kinda gets the blood flowing doesn't it!
