Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The devolution of France

The French people are showing the world what a disaster decades of loafing, degeneracy, and dependence will lead to...

FRANCE almost ground to a halt today as strikes by workers protesting against their President's plan to make them work harder and longer crippled the country's infrastructure.
Teachers, postal workers and other civil servants joined forces with protesting transport workers in strikes to challenge Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to reform the economy.

The French worker already only works 35 hours a week, gets weeks-long government paid vacations, and job security regardless of how shiftless and lazy he is as a worker. Sarkozy wants to bring his country back to the productive, competitive, world economic power France once was, but the French people are lazy and used to a care-free life of decadence and ease. They don't want to work harder or longer hours, take shorter vacations, or compete for job security the way Americans have to, and they resent being told so. And they are willing to cripple their country in order to protect their spoiled, self-indulgent life-styles.

The French workers, like many sniveling liberals here in the U.S., don't care that government-funded socialism is unsustainable over the long term and at some point, somebody's got to pay for it all. They want their slice of the free cake that somebody else paid for and nobody's going to deprive them of it. Look what France has devolved into, a sad second-rate country made of lazy degenerates crying for someone to provide for their needs...what a national embarrassment!


  1. Well Ed, I whine, why should they have to work hard for their money? They are French. The French have so much history, and were once a hard working civilization, a world power. We should recognize this fact and just give them money for still being around.

  2. Except at the rate they're going, they won't be around to enjoy the autumn of their civilization. They'll be the Islamic Republic of France.

  3. Autumn? I would say more like beginning of winter. I would say Christmas Holidays but where their civilization is going, they don't recognize Christmas anymore.

  4. Oh and I meant their civilization is already at winter, not they would see it, although they were fortunate to make it this far.
