Tuesday, November 13, 2007


There's something very weird going on with Blogger's fonts today so please bear with me until I straighten it out.

--The management

UPDATE: So at home this morning on the PC, all the fonts on the page were extremely small, unreadably small. In preview/edit mode everything looked normal. Now, I'm at work on my MAC and everything seems fine. Let me know in the comments thread if you notice anything wrong....and I don't mean "Ed, you're a horrible writer" or "Ed, you're a xenophobic homer who hates anybody who doesn't look like you" or "Ed, you think you're funny getting laughs at the expense of others, but you're not". I've heard it all and am unphased by it. What I mean is the physical appearance of the blog, but of course you knew that.

UPDATE #2: YEEEAAAA!!! Apparently something in the post about the Muslim car disagreed with the display on PCs. When I deleted it, everything reverted back to normal, so I took the opportunity to give the TRR a new look. I may or may not leave it this way. Feel free to criticize the new look and suggest different color schemes, as always, in the comments thread...heck, you feel free to criticize everything else, mine as well.


  1. No, it's still dorked up.

  2. I am actually surprised nothing about the Georgia Auburn game was said.

  3. The Georgia players embarrassed me and took most, not all, of the fun out of winning a big game. So I don't have anything to say.

  4. This site looks like a mess today. You should just buy that cheapo Microsoft group so you wouldn't have these problems.

  5. This is so weird. It displays this way only on PCs. TRR displays fine on my Mac.

  6. Are you talking about the dancing and the whole team celebrating a touchdown at the Florida game?

  7. No, I don't care what they do to Florida. But the rivalry with Auburn is the oldest in the conference and the other team should be treated with a little class win or lose. The Georgia players during the fourth quarter acted like Miami or Florida State thugs...dancing, celebrating after every single tackle, performing stupid choreographed high-five dances after every score...I threw up a little bit in my mouth watching the fourth quarter. I was embarrassed for my team.

  8. Yeah I will agree with you on the choreographed high five. They did act a little like they never won a game. But I wasn't all that offended by their actions. I will tell you what I thought was silly, is the black out. Penn State started it with the white out. Now you have a dozen different teams that want to do this, and it doesn't really do anything for the players. It just looks cool. We are trying to "orange out" the stadium for the Bama game, and I plan on wearing orange, but thats only because I wear the same shirt to every game. If everyone for the home team wore the same color, then finding the other teams fans will only be easier, and if anything that adds a little edge to the away team.

  9. I would have been fine with the black-out but for the behavior of the players during the game. I don't want UGA to start to look like Miami or Florida St. What makes it even stupider is that we're not #1 or anything. We lost to South Carolina and didn't even show up for Tennessee. We don't have any right to be dancing and celebrating. Win a national championship, then celebrate.

  10. Yeah I agree. Ya'll are starting to look like Alabama, celebrating every down you gain yards or the other team doesn't get a first down. No one wants to look like Alabama.
