Monday, November 12, 2007


Like it's a big surprise that the Clintons plant softball questions so they don't have to answer the hard ones...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.

The story here will be how the media glosses over this deception. They want badly for Hillary to get elected so they will report no negative thing about Hillary unless they're forced to. You see, liberals(which 90% of the media are) see nothing wrong with doing literally anything to get elected if you are a liberal. They view conservatives as evil and the reigns of power a liberal birthright, therefore; using any means necessary to defeat conservatism is justified. If this had been a republican or liberterian who got caught cheating, there'd be no measure to the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the national media. It would make front page news for days, or until the poll numbers for that candidate were sufficiently low as to no longer pose a threat to their chosen liberal candidate.

This post is more about the hypocrisy of the media than about Hillary....we've known for years that the Clinton machine uses deception and lies to avoid tough questions and manipulate the dolts who're voting for her.

1 comment:

  1. But Ed, we cry, this is about Hillary. Her machine planted a question. Because she was caught is the only reason this was ever discussed. She has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, that she will do "anything" to get elected. As voters we must all look at the soft underbelly of America and decide if we can trust this or any politician to lead our country.

    Now, as far as the media goes, you are spot on with your depiction of them as a corrupt liberal loving body of inhumanity. They would have unabashedly jumped all over a republican under the same circumstances. This would have been done to protect the unsuspecting citizens of this country, when truthfully it would have been done because, they too, expect more honesty and character out of the consevative side. With Democrats and the media, it is amazing that Jesse and Al can't get nominated. Good riddance to another Democratic attampt to unrest the White House from its rightful inhabitants.
