Sunday, November 11, 2007

....from my cold dead hands!

And you people think it's important to have balanced Constitutional views on the Supreme Court?

WASHINGTON: Both sides in a closely watched legal battle over the District of Columbia's strict gun-control law are urging the Supreme Court to hear the case. If the justices agree - a step they may announce as early as Tuesday - the Roberts court is very likely to find itself back on the front lines of the culture wars with an intensity unmatched even by the cases on abortion and race that defined the court's last term.

The question is whether the Second Amendment to the Constitution protects an individual right to "keep and bear arms." If the answer is yes, as a federal appeals court held in March, the justices must decide what such an interpretation means for a statute that bars all possession of handguns and that requires any other guns in the home to be disassembled or secured by trigger locks.

Look, every where gun-control has been tried, UK, Canada, Australia, campus gun-free zones, there is an immediate sky-rocketing of violence against the unarmed citizenry. Likewise, everywhere there are liberal conceal/carry permits, there has been a dramatic drop in violent crime. Which one of you out there is brave/stupid enough to claim that criminals will give back their guns if gun-control laws are passed? It'll be open season on innocent people if we allow the federal government to force us to disarm ourselves.

"But Ed" you whine, "they're talking about trigger guards and disassembling your home weapon, not confiscation". You moron, what good is a disassembled gun if a bad guy is crashing through your front door at 3 in the morning, or car-jacking your wife, or shooting up the school your kids go to?

If you are so in favor of gun-control, then I dare you to put a sign in your front yard declaring your property to be gun-free. The only reason you are alive today is because the bad guys don't know if you have a gun or not.


  1. How would they plan to enforce the laws requiring disassembling your firearms? And what is the difference in disassembled weapons and no weapons? When is okay to assemble your weapon? Liberals didn't think this one out very well.

  2. Liberals never think anything out very well...except how they can make as much of the citizenry as possible dependent on them, and how they can control the rest of us.
