Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

This week Ann reviews a new book that defends liberals' favorite boogie-man, Joe McCarthy. Ann is a big supporter of McCarthy's efforts to rid Washington of sympathetic communists. If you are one of those liberals who cringes reflexively every time you hear the name Joe McCarthy, you would be wise to check your facts. The pied-pipers of liberalism evoke the name McCarthy anytime a conservative asks for some accountability and you people blindly believe he was an evil witch-hunter who ignored the "free association" clause of the Constitution....think again. Check out Ann's column today and then do a little research yourself.


  1. Wow man seeking out underground communists in America is accused of treason. I wonder which liberal came to that original conclusion? Liberals are the anti-thesis of America. There is the proof right there.


    To be filed under 'dumb celebrities'
