Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Color-blind society? Please!

Since when is it racist to call an Hispanic rapist, an Hispanic rapist? Apparently when the Hispanic programming VP for a local radio station says it is...

If a person of Hispanic origin rapes a woman and, in an attempt to catch this violent criminal, police publish a description identifying the suspect's general racial makeup, is that a "racist" thing to do? Apparently the folks at KMYL (1190 AM) in the metro Phoenix, Arizona area think it is. It appears that we cannot even discuss the basic appearance of a wanted criminal now without being "racist" about it all.

The story comes to us from The East Valley Tribune, where the paper quotes the vice president for programming at KMYL as saying that calling a criminal an Hispanic is "racial profiling."

How stupid! This isn't a race issue, it's a law enforcement issue. When somebody commits a crime and the police want everybody to be aware and alert so they don't fall victim too, they issue a description of the suspect. It doesn't matter if he's African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, or whatever. Saying what a wanted criminal looks like isn't racist, it's good police work. What are they going to say, "Be on the look out for a guy"? Yeah that really narrows the suspect pool down.

The problem is that nowadays everybody who views themselves as a minority has a hair trigger about perceived racism and racial profiling. The mere mention of race, skin color, ethnicity, or any characteristic that suggest it is perceived as a racially insensitive remark and the offending person must attend mandatory sensitivity training, where in the mother of all ironies, he'll be lectured about striving for a color-blind society even as he's lectured about the special privileges and protections of minority status based solely on skin color.

1 comment:

  1. "Racial" Profile of a Criminal:
    Hispanic, approximately 6' tall, approximately 180 lbs. Short Black Hair. Wanted for Rape

    Profile according to idiot radio guy:
    approximately 6' tall, approximately 180 lbs. Short Black Hair. Wanted for Rape

    Now I know that based on these descriptions, you probably aren't going to find the guy, but with stating what race the person is, the police won't spend a lot of time arresting every average joe in the neighborhood.

    What is the difference between a 6 foot tall black guy and a six foot tall white guy. Precisely the fact that one is black and one is white. If the rapist had been a white man, the radio host would have never said the police were being racist. Is the woman that got raped a racist because she told the police she was raped by an Hispanic? Who cares? She got raped by an Hispanic. Bottom line, thats who the police need to search for. Some people in this country are ridiculous, wasting their time blaming people for racism, when they should be more helpful in looking for people that commit actual crimes.
