Friday, November 23, 2007

It's a Friday version of Ann Coulter Thursday

This week Ann ridicules the New York Times for presenting the news as their very liberal editorial staff would like it to be. She also takes great pleasure in it's dwindling circulation. Normal Americans don't want their news spun and the Gray Lady is paying the price for ignoring that fact.

Go here and read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. She probably could have just said this,"If you want to know how the NY Times works, just read 1984." If they want something said, they use a poll or a survey or statistics, that aren't real I might add, to prove their point. For instance: "According to a recent poll 97% of 'Americans' believe that we should give illegal aliens all rights currently given to law abiding citizens."

    Now here is the finer print:
    Survey results from a general census of a southern California slum, where 99% of the inhabitants are from Mexico, and are here illegally.
