Saturday, November 24, 2007

Australia takes a giant step backwards

It looks like the deranged enviro-moonbats have seized control of Australia as our friend John Howard loses the ministership to a wacky, labor-friendly leftist...

SYDNEY, Australia - Conservative Prime Minister John Howard suffered a humiliating defeat Saturday at the hands of the left-leaning opposition, whose leader has promised to immediately sign the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and withdraw Australia's combat troops from Iraq.

Labor Party head Kevin Rudd's pledges on global warming and Iraq move Australia sharply away from policies that had made Howard one of President Bush's staunchest allies.

Rudd has named global warming as his top priority, and his signing of the Kyoto Protocol will leave the U.S. as the only industrialized country not to have joined it.

Kyoto, besides being a complete farce, is a huge threat to free-market capitalism. Adhereing to it's idiotic policies will dramatically cripple Australia's manufacturing power by drastically restricting industrial carbon emissions to 17th century levels...all to avoid the imaginary menace of global warming. Of course developing countries like India and China will be exempt and are free to pollute to their heart's content.

Another part of Kyoto that the media intentionally omit from their breathless reporting about the ice caps and polar bears, is once a nation signs it, the protocol allows for punitive fines to be levied against offending countries...i.e. the U.S. and Australia.

The Kyoto Protocol allows the world to seize the wealth of countries like the U.S. and Australia while punishing us, the way our Congress seizes the wealth of the tobacco, fast-food, and alcohol industries. Rather than develop their own countries, they'll just steal from ours...or punish us trying.

1 comment:

  1. So the idea here is to completely shut down a countries industry until they are producing at the level of a third world country in complete poverty, then they can begin producing at outrageous levels and polluting the environment like crazy, until they are a world power again, then they must reduce production to the level of a third world country...

    This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Here is my solution, do what you want, forget about carbon emissions, because we aren't actually harming the environment, and for God's sake, get rid of the environmentaliberals. Has anyone thought about how much carbon they emit with every kooky word they speak. They do more harm than my SUV does.
