Friday, November 23, 2007

The Goreacle would be proud

OK, you want to see just how far off the deep end Al Gore's worshippers have gone?

Had Toni Vernelli gone ahead with her pregnancy ten years ago, she would know at first hand what it is like to cradle her own baby, to have a pair of innocent eyes gazing up at her with unconditional love, to feel a little hand slipping into hers - and a voice calling her Mummy.

But the very thought makes her shudder with horror.

Because when Toni terminated her pregnancy, she did so in the firm belief she was helping to save the planet.

Incredibly, so determined was she that the terrible "mistake" of pregnancy should never happen again, that she begged the doctor who performed the abortion to sterilise her at the same time.

He refused, but Toni - who works for an environmental charity - "relentlessly hunted down a doctor who would perform the irreversible surgery.

Finally, eight years ago, Toni got her way.

At the age of 27 this young woman at the height of her reproductive years was sterilised to "protect the planet".

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," says Toni, 35.

"Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."

While most parents view their children as the ultimate miracle of nature, Toni seems to see them as a sinister threat to the future.

Apparently there's a whole movement of women in the UK who have sterilized themselves in order to reduce their carbon footprint. If only we could convince them all to stop having stupid eco-babies, we could finally be rid of them in a single generation.

My wife asked, only half jokingly, "Why doesn't she just kill herself? That'll really reduce her carbon footprint.".......I couldn't have summed it up any better myself.


  1. Haha wow, tell her the apple didnt fall very far from the tree, because her question was my single thought throughout this whole article.

  2. Admitting she killed her baby for her own selfish reasons just wouldn't sound as good. I agree with your wife!
