Friday, August 24, 2007

Gangs in MLB

I am now completely over professional sports. Years ago I gave up my favorite summer pastime, baseball, when the whiny super rich players union went out on strike. I was brought back to this game when Cal Ripken broke the most consecutive games streak. It was a great night and one that I am glad to say I watched. I gave up on the NBA years ago. I don't like the game they play and the thugs that are playing it. Now Michael Vick has spoiled the NFL completely for me. It was bad enough having to suffer thru the slings and arrows of Pacman Jones, Terrell Owens and Deion Sanders (to name a few) , but now Vick has destroyed any hope of NFL decency. To top all stories above,
Today on the net I see the above picture. The storied New York Yankees are now partnering with New Era caps to promote the sale of 3 gang caps. The Bloods, the Crips, and the Latin Kings all have official Yankee caps . How disgusting is that. I will now disavow knowledge of the Yankees and hope that they never win a game. This may the most disgusting marketing ploy ever. To stoop so low as to support murder and drug abuse (gangs) , it must mean that the Yankee financial ship is listing. I cannot believe the the commissioner would allow this, and I can't believe that a solid company like New ERA would make these. We need to quit supporting societal abnormalities and start supporting neighborhood and family growth. We need safe areas to live, not street corners where rival gangs hang out waiting to "cap" each other. Where will this go until the decent folks in this country say enough? Or are there not enough decent folks left. I for one will draw a line and take my stand here. Decency vs. Gangs. It is an easy choice. No more TBS for Braves baseball. No more ESPN Baseball Tonight, and I will not support companies that advertise on these shows either. I will only be one still voice crying into the night, but I will go on, hoping and praying that there will be others that join in and that change can be affected.l


  1. Reid, asking you if this is true implies that I don't believe you. I do, but I find it almost unbelievable that a pro sports team would partner up with the gang culture for marketing purposes...or any other for that matter.

    What is the world coming to?

  2. Gives new meaning to Murderer's Row doesn't it?

  3. and i think you should have named this one Gangs in New York

  4. Who is John Galt? Or maybe "Where is John Galt?"

  5. I agree with your sentiments David. Stories like this make you want to just leave the world to the self-absorbed idiots and let them destroy it, and themselves in the process. The only problem is they take the rest of us down with them...keep fighting the good fight my friend!

  6. News item from yesterday. New Era has had a revelation and decided to pull these products from the shelf. They ( the Yankees, MLB and New Era) received so many calls, emails, and faxes that they felt it best to rethink this postion. The Yankees spin is that they were not notified of the Hatmakers decision. New Era is citing miscommunication with both parties. Bud Selig and the commisioners office are still trying to get a handle on the steriods issue in baseball, and haven't been able to delve into this topic yet. They anticipate making a public statement some time in early '09. Time to move on to other worthwhile topics.

  7. I somewhat involuntarily attended a Falcon's game last night. It was worth every penny I paid ($20 for parking). My sons football team was selected to play the mascots at half time. It was a great experience for them and for me. However the rest of the game was overshadowed by the illness we've come to know and expect. Why does anyone attend professional sports games? I know why I was there. I feld out of place what with no over-sized Falcons (or Bengals) jersey, backward-facing cap, and a bolus of fat masquerading as two arm-loads of over-priced, bland food. Disgusting really. However I hid my horror from my son not wanting to ruin his experience which was well-intentioned and probably a good one overall. He was disturbed by the drunk beggar plying us for money with an empty, 20oz. Varsity cup serving as his "tin cup". Some things never change...but some do get worse.
