Monday, August 27, 2007

Dihimmitude rewards the terrorists

In case you live under a rock, didn't watch the news last week, or like most Americans....just don't feel like paying attention to the world around you, there was another cartoon kerfuffle over an Opus strip that runs in around 200 Sunday fish-wrappers around the country. Apparently many of the Sunday editors chose to not run the strip because it might inflame the delicate sensibilities of The Cult of the Perpetually Inflamed...i.e. Muslims. They feared a repeat of the violent demonstrations we witnessed in Denmark last year when thousands of not surprisingly unemployed Muslims feigned outrage and trashed the city, when a Danish paper published some images of Muhammed--apparently a no-no--who knew?

Here at TRR, we are unapologetic about publishing the cartoons to show that we are not submissive to the ridiculous demands of outraged, third-world, religious zealots.

My question is, why do the editors relish in every opportunity to ridicule Christianity and every other religion, but shamefully bow to the absurd demands of the people who hate us the most? By giving in, they reward the terrorists' insanity and encourage still more demands of our dihimmitude.

If you click on the cartoon, it'll show you the larger version so you can read it.


  1. "My question is, why do the editors relish in every opportunity to ridicule Christianity and every other religion, but shamefully bow to the absurd demands of the people who hate us the most?"

    A very good question, ideed. Question no. 2 is even more annoying: Why don't anyone ever answer this?

  2. Nobody ever answers this question because it's never asked by the media. For some reason nobody's willing to ask it. I would pay to watch one of these sniveling cowards in front of a camera and have a reporter demand a straight answer. But you never see it happen. I think there's a pervasive attitude in the media that Christianity is ridicule-worthy but Islam is not...and I don't understand it.

    Other than the reflexive tendancy of liberals to embrace America's enemies and attack America....I don't understand it.

  3. I think the comic strip is pretty funny. It really would piss off all the feminists of the world. But i dont see at all how it makes fun of Muslims, other than attire the woman is wearing. Some people in this country are so stupid, Im not sure how this country functions sometimes.

  4. The humorless Muslims were upset about two things: First was the crack about radical islamist--the hot new fad on the planet. Second was the quasi-sexual crack in the last panel.

    I'm not sure how it would upset feminists. Feminists are liberals and as such tend to embrace America's enemies.

    In any case, denying our own culture and heritage in favor of a foreign, hostile culture is surely a death-wish.

  5. Where are the James Bond stylings we Americans love to love? Characters named such as Auric Goldfinger, Bibi Dahl, Xenia Onatopp, Honey Rider, Octopussy, Holly Goodhead and Pussy Galore. Comments such as "Keeping the British end up sir". All in questionable taste and maybe even lewd, but extremely funny.

    Censorship was attacked again in "Good Morning Vietnam". The censors were portrayed by overweight twins with no sense of humor. I guess that scene needs to be removed from the DVD now. We can't question big brother.

    Carol Burnett with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway - many times off color but very funny. Was Sam Kinnison funny or was he hurtful to certain people groups. I laughed til I cried as he besmirched the African people for trying live in a desert. He chided them to go where ther was some grass and some water. Again offensive, maybe - but extremely funny.

    Andy Kaufamann, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor. Eddie Murphy. Bad language, some perverted humor but overly hysterical. Many good stories to share from these guys, but all in all, they will be erased fo cultural misunderstandings in this weird and wacky time. Where are Akroyd and Belushi when you need them? Chevy Chase? The Samuri Dry Cleaner? Killer Bees? Animal House with its racial grouping of "Lonny, and Juglesh". Bygone eras - too bad, way too bad

    Oh well, its too bad when a funny idiom is restricted. We once had freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Now, all we have is what the Government sensors say is acceptable for us. Sounds kinda like Marxism /Communism /Nazism/ Socialism to me.

    I guess

  6. Right you are Joe. There's no room for humor in the current watershed of political correctness. Somebody will always be offended and worse, decide to complain loudly about it. Ayn Rand described a world like that in Atlas Shrugged. If any of you out there have not read it, I highly recommend it. It's a remarkably difficult read but well worth it. It was penned in the 50's but you'd swear she wrote it yesterday.

  7. What i meant was the resisting of a man's rightful place, but i see now that that simply pokes around the fact that women don't have any role in Islamic society.

  8. Isn't it odd that a article complaining about overly sensitive PC types is also complaining about how Christians are being unfairly attacked. It PC is wrong, then stop bitching when people riducule you. Practice what you preach.

  9. The reason many prominent groups and individuals attack Christians and bow to Muslims is not mysterious neither an enigma. They are of the devil,of the world and at enmity with God.
