Thursday, August 23, 2007

Drains on the system

This is Elvira Arellano, the latest cause celebre for liberals and pro-illegal immigration conservatives. The U.S. government finally did it's job and deported her last week after she revealed herself after hiding out for a year in an alien-friendly church. Predictably, liberals whined with all the usual platitudes about how the government shouldn't be in the business of separating families by deportation(Elvira has a U.S. born son). By that stupid logic, bank robbers shouldn't go to jail because it would mean separating them from their children. Liberals love to point out that we are a nation of immigrants and the Mexicans just want a better life for themselves and families. It's not the responsibility of Americans to continue to contribute to the welfare state that showers all these illegals with fabulous cash and prizes.

Elvira had total control over whether she got separated from her son....don't break the law sister! The second she snuck across the border, she risked separation from her son. I also heard that she has been in the U.S. for many years and has never picked up a word of English. Now try to convince me she wants to be an American. No, she wants to be a Mexican in America, sucking at the generous government social-services teat. She doesn't want to be an American. Most of them don't want to be American. They want to consume goods and services while contributing as little as possible to the kitty.


  1. ED: Elvira does want to be an American. Only she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants all the freedoms and benifits of our country. She, however, wants to circumvent the system and gain those benifits illegally. Her not even attempting to speak or learn our language is a further example of this. Teddy Roosevelt many years ago stated that to become an American, one must love this country and learn its language and customs. To be an American today all you have to do is to be the result of of a sperm deposit in an illegal alien and have the fortune of having her deliver you on our soil. Where did this go wrong?

  2. I agree with you Reid. When I said she didn't want to be American, it should have been in quotes..."American". I meant "American" to embody our language, culture, history, and respect for the rule of law etc...Those things she is not interested in. You are correct sir, in that she only wants the tax-payer funded benefits our leaders shower on her.

  3. It makes me sick the amount of benefits the illegals get. They get our tax dollars in welfare, they get our public education, and bring down the quality of it, if i might add, and no one say they dont because i have witnessed it. Not only do they get all these wonderful govt hand me downs--FOR FREE!!!!-- but then they have the balls to complain that they arent treated fairly. Treated fairly? the day you are treated fairly is the day you arent illegal.

  4. Thanks for the "Label". Truth in advertising.
