Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Allocation of resources

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." --George Orwell's Animal Farm

Illegal alien advocates like to lump all illegals into one big, we-just-want-a-better-life family. I will accept that it is certainly the case for most of them. That being said, there are many thousands who aren't here for a better life. They are here as drug dealers, rapists, gang members, welfare leeches, drunk drivers, theives, etc. Given that we have limited resources with which to enforce the immigration laws, wouldn't it be prudent to kick out the undesirables among the millions of illegals first? I would agree to letting the productive, tax-paying, assimilated illegals hang around until their cases are dealt with, if the feds would start aggressively hearding the criminal illegals out of the country the second we lay our hands on them.

All illegals aren't equal, some are less equal than others.

These are the very first guys we should ruthlessly deport.


  1. It is about time that the state officials of this country take a serious look at this problem. If something is not done to regulate the influx of illegal people traffic into the country the n we will be overrun. I think this idea has merit and deserves attention. If this was suggested by Arnold "The Gov" it would receive airplay. Maybe you should email it to SanFranNan for her thoughts.

  2. Liberals like SanFranNan might fing themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to immigration. On the one hand, they want to legalize all these illegals, including the criminals, as they would constitute a huge addition to the loafing-class, welfare voters who make up the democrat base. On the other hand, how can they rationalize to actual Americans that we need to keep these kinds of people in the country? I only hope voters make democrat politicians pay for selling out the country in their craven pursuit of power.
