Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Cost of Government Day

( - Conservative taxpayer groups say Wednesday, July 11, marks the day this year when the average American worker will have earned enough to pay for his or her share of government taxes (federal, state and local) plus the cost of regulation.

That's right folks, your federal government uses the force of law to seize half of what you make in order to hand it over to free-loaders who they feel deserve it more than you do. Translated, a soulless bureaucrat takes your money that you earned and hands it over to some loafer who didn't earn it, but promised to vote for that soulless bureaucrat in the next election. Sure, some of it goes to legitimate projects like roads, bridges, and the military but the lion's share goes to pet projects that craven politicians use to buy votes.

You'd think that the gutless bureaucrats in DC would at least listen to the American people as they're stealing from us and close the southern border, stop funding the useless U.N., and reform the tax code. But DC politicians know their life-blood comes from sticking their tentacles as deep into the American worker's pocket as they can. Until we stage a tax-payer revolt and install a flat tax or better yet the Fair Tax, our own government will continue to rob productive Americans in order to give hand-outs to unproductive, loafing Americans (and Illegal aliens).

So starting tomorrow my labor will belong to me and my family...I think I'll work a little harder.

Here's how the federal government sees all productive Americans.

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