Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The latest environmental criminal class....cows

The enviro-wackos in the U.K. apparently aren't satisfied with that country's willingness to hamstring it's own economy with idiotic CO2 restrictions. Now they are going after the animals too...

Burping cows and sheep are being targeted by UK scientists to help bring down Britain's soaring levels of greenhouse gas pollution. Experts at the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research in Aberystwyth say the diet of farmed animals can be changed to make them produce less methane, a more potent global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Farmed ruminant animals are thought to be responsible for up to a quarter of "man-made" methane emissions worldwide though, contrary to common belief, most gas emerges from their front, not rear, ends.

This is pure, unadulterated idiocy! Animals have been burping and farting for billions of years on Earth. Typical of liberals, environmentalists don't care one bit about the consequences of their moronic actions, only about their good intentions.

Cows, taking their rightful place in the environmentalists' gun-sights with other environmental criminals such as American factories, SUVs, and light bulbs.

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