Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Word of the Week

hemidemisemiquaver - the average attention span of an American, equal to the duration of a 1/64 musical note.
Now for some etymology.

hemi – refers to the “hemispherical” combustion chambers found on some cars, most notably Chryslers. Chrysler uses the word as a marketing tool (quite successfully). Many American consumers take the bait thinking it is unique (or new). The truth be known most don't know what “hemi” refers to other than the badge located conspicuously somewhere on the car. They are, however, pleased to know they have a “hemi” as evidenced by the grin on their face, the reward-facing bill of their NASCAR hat, and the frequent ejections of cigarette butts out the window.

demi – This is a reference to the beltway “demigods” we elect. Typically these elections are a product of a strong systemic bias towards the status quo and an ignorant, indifferent citizenry with an attention span of a...well a hemidemisemiquaver. This attention deficit prohibits them from being able to engage in any robust discussion of the real issues we face as a nation or give thoughtful consideration of the necessary credentials a candidate would need to confront them. This leads us to “semi”.

semi – the “semi” conscious state of most Americans as it relates to their inability to focus on important issues, qualify candidates, or make good life choices. Instead they squander what brain cells they have on hero worship, purchasing hemis, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. Their IQ is inversely proportional to the amount of rental furniture they have.

quaver – an eighth note, dummy.

There you have it. Call it etymology, verbal advantage, word power, or whatever; Just don't call it music.

Posted by David as a guest blogger.

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