Thursday, June 14, 2007

Treason! (In honor of Ann Coulter Thursday)

You don't have to look far to find examples of treason in the United States. After all most of it is egregious – easily tolerated in the death spiral of America – and much of it involving the invasion by illegal aliens. But this news from Utah is stunning. If I wasn't such a cynic I'd be non plussed.

At least a dozen teachers from Mexico are expected to arrive in Utah this August to help with the state's growing population of English language learners and its teacher shortage. Human resource representatives from Granite, Davis, Tooele and Salt Lake school districts traveled to Mexico City last week to meet with 50 preselected [sic] applicants seeking teaching positions in Utah. The job placements were created by an agreement forged by Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. during his 2005 visit to Mexico.

The arrangement is also intended to develop a better understanding of both countries' educational systems, history and culture while helping Spanish-speaking students in Utah do better in school. Richard Gomez, coordinator in the state's Office of Educational Equity, said that due to the state's teacher shortage, no Utahn is being deprived of a job. Gomez has been working with all parties involved to recruit the Mexican teachers. "It has been a long time coming," he said.” (Roxana Orellana, The Salt Lake Tribune, “Mexican Teachers to Buttress Local Schools”, June 13, 2007.)

Say what?! Is it just me or is this just plain wrong? The United States has immigration laws. We are a nation based on the rule of law. So why is it we have “representatives” in D.C. ignoring the law of the land while trying to rewrite the law for their advantage? Why is it we have National Guardsman and Border Control agents charged with protecting us ignoring the law to smuggler illegals in? And why is it we have the governor of Utah, Jon Huntsman Jr.(Republican), crafting deals which may be legal but certainly aid thousands of criminals in their invasion of the United States of America?

“...30 to 40 percent of the students are Spanish speakers. ...The ultimate goal is to make sure we have enough teachers and find teachers who are going to meet the needs of our risk populations...We have it [Mexico] as a neighbor and we have lots of students who have connections to Mexico. And it just seems like a good idea." (Roxana Orellana, The Salt Lake Tribune, “Mexican Teachers to Buttress Local Schools”, June 13, 2007.)

Now I have no way of knowing if these “at risk” children are illegal aliens or not but I'd be willing to be a good number of them are. Aiding them is wrong on many levels not the least of which is the redirection of resources from citizens to non-citizens. Anyway you look at it this it is not “a good idea”, it's just plain wrong.

p.s. What does “preselected” mean? Selection is inherently “pre”, you cannot select something ex post facto. Don't get me started!

Posted by David as a guest blogger.


  1. One must now assume that these teachers will also bring family members with them and that they will all be granted temporary work visas. Why not send existing teachers to school to learn Mexican (it isn't Spanish) and then hire American teachers from states where there isn't a teacher shortage. Do we not have enough teachers that can relate to a spanish speaking student? Are they being taught English, or is that to much to ask. Why is it that as these people come to this country (where the official language is ENGLISH) and our citizens are forced to adapt to hurdle this language barrier. I am all for assisting our alien visitors who attempt to intergrate into the American culture, but not at the expenses that seem to be associated with this program.

  2. Though there is a bill on the House floor that currently looks to change this, the US has no official language. Also, where do you propose to get teachers from within the US? A state without a teacher shortage? There is currently a national teacher shortage in this country that is predicted to only get worse.

  3. A teacher shortage is one thing. Teaching Spanish in schools is another. I hope you are not a teacher because even your union will not be able to protect you from this.
