Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Madame President

Another political shocker hits the general public today! Senator Bob Menendez (D NJ) will announce his support for Sen. Clinton in her presidential bid. This is a real shocker after Mrs. Clinton announced her meeting with the "women of Color" group. (Clinton is looking for unilateral support from the female Hispanics and their Africa- American counterparts.)
The saying goes "Birds of a feather stick together". This is almost too true. Hillary was involved with the Whitewater scandal. Her new supporter, Menendez, is currently being investigated on issues revolving around his leasing space to a "non-profit" agency that he helped get established as non-profit. Wonder how much payola he receives from his tenant. Menendez barely escaped with re-election this time in an area heavily fortified with an Hispanic populace. The republican pundits felt this spot was their best spot to win a seat from the Dem's. They were proved wrong, but only lost this race by a slim margin. Things don't look to bright for the long seated Rep in his new role. Partnering up with the devil will hurt one in the long run. Watch for further endorsements from other criminal types. Watch as this type of leadership takes us right down the tubes.

1 comment:

  1. Simply evil...and criminals! My answer, in the form of a question for those Jeopardy fans: Who is John Galt?

    It's going to be an exciting but tiring two years.
