Friday, June 08, 2007

Power to the People!!!

For once Congress actually responded to the people this week. The dreadful immigration bill that craven senate democrats, dastardly senate republicans, and hapless George Bush tried to sneak past the American people, crashed and burned faster than Paris Hilton's home-detention plans...and deservedly so. On first glance, the bill seemed to be palatable, but when you look at the details, it's heinousness became apparent. Here are the low-lights of the bill: the legalization of criminals and gang members, the welcome mat laid out for extended family members still in Mexico, unlimited welfare support, complete lack of enforcement guarantees, no border closure, no taxation of remittances to Mexico, no deportation of imprisoned criminal illegals, unenforcable touchback requirements, asinine 1-day background search, arrival date approved based on promisory note, the list of horribly bad provisions in this bill goes on and on. That Ted Kennedy was overjoyed at the prospect of it's passage was a dead give-away to it's awfulness.

Hopefully the defeat of this bill will do two things, 1: force Congress to craft a bill that actually accomplishes what the American people want in terms of border control, deportation of undesirables, etc., and 2: those democrats and republicans who voted for it get defeated in the next election cycle and replaced with people willing to do what's best for the U.S. rather than what's best for them and their parties.

Chuck Shumer, Harry Reid, and Dick "the turbin" Durbin lamenting the defeat of their scheme to create 60 million instant democratic voters.


  1. A small but important battle has been won but the invasion is unabated and the war looms. Whether the Americans can summon the courage to claim their nation remains to be seen. It is at least a bifurcated effort: the southwest border invasion and the so-called representatives in D.C. The odds are against success but we've beaten greater odds before. Let's hope we haven't slipped too far into the liberal, multicultural abyss.

  2. David, is this the kind of conservative hyperbole we have to look forward to from you this week?The comprehensive immigration bill was a good one but you conservatives want nothing less than complete deportation of 12 million people, nothing less will do. News flash David, it's not going to happen in your lifetime. Compromise while you can because when Hillary is CiC, there will be no offer of compromise.

  3. billb,
    Think beyond parties to what's really at stake: the United States of America.

    I voted for Bush...TWICE, but would not do it again. In this context, the next election cannot arrive quick enough. But, the current field (red and blue) proffers only more of the same. I'm afraid I'll be required to choose the lesser of two evils instead of from a group of intelligent, courageous leaders with enough integrity to lead the nation.
