Sunday, June 10, 2007

Family Vacation

As you know, I agressively and enthusiastically contribute to global warming every chance I get.

"But why Ed", you whine. "Why do you intentionally pollute Mother Earth with your wasteful and frivolous travel?"

Why? Because I'm not stupid enough to curtail my comfortable and decadent lifestyle for the sake of the druidical, kook religion known as modern environmentalism, that's why.

With that in mind, I'll be packing my family up in my gas-guzzeling '83 Country Squire(pictured above) this week and heading to the beach for a vacation.

Contributing in my stead this week will be guest bloggers Reid and David. Feel free to give 'em the business if you don't like what they say. I'll return probably Monday, a week from tomorrow.

Now where did I put those red Speedo's?


  1. Ed,
    I Way underestimated you! I'm envious of your ride. Have a great vacation.

  2. Finally some fresh meat. I'm tired of kicking Ed and Reid's asses and putting them in their place. Bring it on David. I take it you are a red-stater too? George Bush has single-handedly damaged your party almost to the point of unrecoverability. Just think, you poor saps have 8 years of Hillary to look forward to. I'll enjoy watching you toil in your deserved status of hapless minority while we democrats get some things done.

  3. Finally some fresh meat

    Have fun Dave and Reid!

    See you in a week.
