Friday, June 08, 2007

Pootie poot makes Bush look like a chump

Pootie Poot is a first-class communist jerk, but at the G8 summit, he made Bush look like a warmonger by comparison. In a previous post which you can read here, I talked about the possibility of another arms race between the U.S. and Russia concerning our missile defense shields in Europe, ostensibly to protect the EU from Iran's nukes. Here's Pootie trumping Bush in front of the whole world...

HEILIGENDAMM, Germany (AP) - Russia's President Vladimir Putin said Friday that U.S. missile defense interceptors could be located in Turkey, or even Iraq or on sea platforms, offering yet another alternative to an American plan for a missile shield in eastern Europe.
"They could be placed in the south, in U.S. NATO allies such as Turkey, or even Iraq," Putin said at a news conference after the close of the Group of Eight summit. "They could also be placed on sea platforms."

Putin has a point. If we are pretending to defend Europe against Islamic missile attacks then why don't we put the shields closer to those Islamic nations that we believe threaten the EU? Why put them in Eastern Europe if it's radical Islam, and not the Russians, we want to protect against? What Putin did was paint Bush into a corner by offering a better idea than Bush's. That Bush's handlers didn't see that coming is a testament that they need to go.

Is it just me or are all of you sick and tired of George W. Bush screwing up in everything he does? Immigration, the budget, foreign relations, the war on terrorists, social security and tax reform, all were ripe opportunities for meaningful policy initiatives that the Bush administration royally botched.

Is '08 here yet?


  1. I voted for him twice but I'm done with him, he needs to go. The sooner the better. And this from a life-long Republican voter. The Rs and Ds are two peas in a pod (that would be a pea pod not and iPod for you youngsters) and the pod is rotten.

  2. The man runs on principle instead of practicality.

  3. "Is it just me or are all of you sick and tired of George W. Bush screwing up in everything he does?"

    It's partly you, and President Bush does have his flaws.

    As to your point about where the missle defense system will be located, two simple, common-sense explanations should answer it. One, you would typically want any type of shield located near whatever you are trying to protect, because then it can function against more than one threat instead of being limited to defending against only what it is near. Two, you don't place it near the threat, because it would then be easier for the threat to reach it and destroy it.

    Obviously, there are other much more complex considerations that go into planning for something like this, but you appear to have let your blatant dislike of President Bush cloud your thinking.

  4. Are you favoring anyone for '08 yet?
