Thursday, June 07, 2007

Can you say, "miscarriage of justice"?

I generally try not to comment on celebrities who are practically cliche's of themselves like Paris Hilton. (Notice I don't even bother with Britney any more). It's too easy to make the jokes.

That being said, that Paris got out of jail after only three days by not eating the food they served her, makes a mockery out of the justice system and worse, gives credence to race hustlers like Al Sharpton who'll certainly cry about preferential treatment for white folks. He'll whine that a black celebrity wouldn't get the same option of serving her sentence at home...and he'll be right.

If refusing to eat institutional meals gets you out of what you think of as "punishment", I would have been able to skip grades 3-7. (But for fish-lips Floyd stupidly trading me his roll for my butter-beans, I would not have eaten anything for lunch in the 4th grade)

I could have made the argument that 23 days in the clink just might have done Paris some good, but there's a ham sandwich's chance at Rosie's house that she'll learn anything from three days.