Monday, June 04, 2007

John Howard caves to global warming kooks

Climate change nuts would have the world's economic leaders willingly devolve their countries back to something resembling the 17th century with Draconian restrictions of CO2 emissions. (The whole climate change hysteria is a thin veil which masks supporters' unadulterated hatred of economic progress, freedom, and high standards of living) So far the U.S. and Australia have wisely resisted this disastrous nonsense, but thanks to Bush's craven pandering to eco-kooks in the U.S., Australia is poised to commit economic suicide too...

CANBERRA, Australia - Prime Minister John Howard ditched his long-standing opposition to a greenhouse gas reduction target for Australia with a pledge Sunday to set a national pollution limit next year.

Howard's new commitment to set an emissions target reflects his close ally President Bush's proposal last week for 15 of the world's worst-polluting countries — including Australia which is responsible for 1.5 percent of global emissions — to agree to targets next year.

That sounds like a lot, but 1.5% of what. They never report that man-made CO2 emissions make up only 3.2% of atmospheric CO2. For you government school graduates who were learning to put condoms on cucumbers instead of attending math class, that comes out to 0.048% of the total which is accounted for by Australia....hardly a number worth crippling your national economy over.

Citizens of Australia heading off to work...maybe for the last time if the stupid carbon-offset scheme gets put in place.

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