Monday, June 04, 2007

The dangerous welfare-State mentality

If you want to get a clue about how successfully liberals have indoctrinated Americans to feel entitled to things our parents had to compete for, read this...[emphasis mine]


Washington, DC -- Only 25.2 percent of American workers have a job that pays at least $16 per hour and provides health insurance and a pension, according to a new study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

The report, "How Good is the Economy at Creating Good Jobs?" found that between 1979 and 2004 the share of American workers in good jobs remained unchanged at about 25 percent, despite strong economic growth over that period. (The report defines a "good job" as one that offers at least $16 per hour or $32,000 annually, employer-paid health insurance and a pension.) In the last quarter century, the U.S. workforce has become older, more experienced and better educated, but 75 percent of workers are still struggling in jobs that do not provide health insurance, a pension and solid middle-class wages.

To take this article at face value, one might think that it was the God-given right of every working American to have insurance provided for them and their brood, higher wages than they are worth, a healthy retirement plan, and other fabulous cash and prizes...all generously paid for by the employer. One would be wrong! Jobs belong to the company, not the employee, and they are subject to the same laws of supply and demand that everything else in the market-place is.

A perfect example of this is General Motors. The reason GM is going out of business is because they are no longer primarily a car manufacturer. GM is primarily a jobs program for shiftless union workers, an exorbitant retirement provider for former shiftles union workers, and a health-care provider for current and former shiftless union workers.

Economics 101:
When workers are plentiful and jobs are scarce, wages and benefits are lower because workers compete for the few jobs. When jobs are plentiful and workers are scarce, wages tend to be higher with more benefits because companies are competing for employees.

Liberals' heinous plan is for all Americans to expect to have everything provided for them by somebody else. When Americans stop providing for their own selves, then liberals will have succeeded in creating the welfare State all good socialists dream about.

General Motors will look like this Chinese factory in a few years because of shiftless union workers. Why? Because GM is moving to China. It is the only place it can be competitive.

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