Thursday, May 31, 2007

Talking animals

In Iowa of all places, scientists claim that some primates (bonobos) can understand English and can use symbols to communicate answers and thoughts...

The Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa, is home to seven bonobos -- a close relative of the chimpanzee -- and three orangutans. But if you think Iowa might be a strange place for them to live, don't say it out loud … these apes understand English.

Look, it's cool that these animals can push the pretty colored buttons but they're still just animals. You can teach chickens, which along with global-warming activists are perhaps the stupidest of all life-forms, to push a pretty colored button to get a kernel of corn or a drink of water. This blurring of the line between humans and animals has a logical conclusion, which is for animal rights nuts to confer human status to animals with all the rights that it implies.

I don't care how many tricks you teach it, it's still just an animal.

You can read the whole article here.

Here's an animal pushing the pretty colored buttons...even he is smarter than global-warming activists.


  1. This sure looks like Patty Shehan to me. Oh I forgot, she retired. Maybe now she only pushes buttons in her palatial double wide trailer, assuming that it still is in touch with her- since everyone else has abandoned her and her side. Woe to the democrats from a woman scorned.

  2. Momma moonbat announced her retirement the other day....retirement from what? Shiftless agitator? Useful idiot to Hugo Chavez?

    Good riddance!

  3. What if you could teach one of these animals to do anything that a really unintelligent human being could do? Obviously it would never be 'human' but at what point would you consider it a 'person?'

    This sounds like a loaded question but it's not. I'm just curious about how you draw the line.
