Monday, March 19, 2007

Par for the charity course

All too often we hear about what miniscule percentage of charitable donations are actually used toward their promised purpose...this is just asinine...

NEW YORK, March 19 A New York Times investigation published Monday claims just 2 percent of funds Shriners raised in 2005 went to operate their charitable hospitals.

Money raised for the hospitals is being used to pay for parties and liquor and trips.

And apparently stupid hats and those idiotic tiny cars too. It's a wonder to me why America continues to give to charities at rates higher than any other country when we hear about organizational uselessness like this on a regular basis.

I'm going to start asking about what percentage of every dollar received actually goes toward the charity before I give......what I mean to say is, I would theoretically ask that if I gave to charities. Still, whether I give to the Shriners or not, it's a racket.


  1. Sadly, the bad apples always tend to destroy the rest of the basket.

    There are many reputable charitable organizations out there, doing much needed work in areas where finances would not allow for these efforts to be done. I regularly give to the American Mission Board. It is 100% financed by the Southern Baptist Church, and every dollar given goes to the field. They work in many foreign countries and in many impoverished areas of great need. This has had a presence in LA/MS since immediately after the Katrina strike and have been funneling food, clothing, shelter and money as needed to needy families. I am sure there are many more shining examples out there, I only have history wih this group.

    I regularly give to the MS society. I have a friend whose daughter is stricken with this horrible disease, and frankly I hope that most of that money goes to research.

  2. Percentage of donations NOT channeled into administering the charity should be the first question asked before writing that check.
