Friday, March 16, 2007

Here we go again...

It looks like the contingent of illegal Mexican immigrants will be staging another series of demonstrations on or around May5 to protest the fact that we don't want them living in our country...

( - Immigrant and worker rights groups called Thursday for an end to raids and deportations of illegal aliens and are planning a May Day boycott to press home their demands.

Participants in the "Great American Boycott" say they will not shop, work, go to school or participate in any economic activity on May 1.

Instead, organizers say that all 12 million illegal aliens will return to their native Mexico and will leave us alone to pick our own lettuce, clean our own hotel rooms, and blow our own leaves......


Actually they will prove what excellent work ethic they have by ditching their jobs to disturb the public instead...

The movement's website encourages supporters to join with them "against a common enemy: the U.S. government." Similar campaigns last spring called for pro-immigrant reform.

At a press conference Thursday, speakers from organizations including labor and anti-war groups spoke out against the crackdown.

Bishop Felipe C. Teixeira of the Immigration Pastoral Center in Massachusetts said that the recent raids had shown "the face of racism and discrimination."

"No human being is illegal," Teixeira said. "Together, united, we can defeat the imperialism of the U.S.A."

They are breaking our laws by coming here and he says they aren't illegal, and we are imperialists? That has to be the stupidest statement ever, EVER!

Hat tip to cnsnews

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