Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Would you eat lunch here?

So it seems that the Hooters restaurant chain, known for it's observance of cultural sensitivity and wholesomeness, is opening a store in Israel, the focal point of strict Islamic jihadists' war against the decadence and cultural decline of the West. And nothing personifies the moral decline of western civilization like big-boobed nitwits schlepping non-kosher burgers and beer to drooling construction workers.

Seriously, you couldn't form a more inviting target for terrorism in the middle-east if you ran around Baghdad with pictures of Mohammad on your shirt.

We should get a pool going on how long before they get bombed.


  1. I just wonder if any of these "big-boobed nitwit schleppers" have a prosthetic leg!

  2. Probably not allowed in the employment contract. A prosthetic appandage would not attract the drooling construction worker demographic Hooters is targeting. It's surprising nobody's filed an equal employment opportunity law suit, I mean on the grounds of handicapped discrimination. That one stupid guy filed one for gender discrimination.

  3. I just wonder if the Hooters girls will be veiled, just to keep them okay with the jihadists on sabbatical in Israel. I hear its a great vacation spot for a Muslim. Lots of historical sites as well as great beaches. I also wonder if Muslim women wear their robes and veils to sunbathe? Do they sleep in the attire or when in the privacy of the mudhut can they strip down and parade about in the Vicoria's secret lingerie? Just some idle thoughts from JC.
