Monday, March 05, 2007

No Time

I'm completely jammed up at work today and I'll be working through lunch. Consider this an open thread and talk about anything you like in the comments section...

Suggested topics: Ann Coulter's comments about John Edwards(the Breck Girl) at CPAC, Hillary and Obama shamelessly adopting phony southern accents when addressing blacks in Selma this weekend, Bill Maher's suggestion that killing Dick Cheney would save lives and would therefor be a good thing, any movies you saw over the weekend and would like to review, Britney's alleged attmepted suicide in rehab, or anything that strikes your fancy.

Hopefully see you tonight or tomorrow AM.


  1. Never thought I would see the day when Ed was at a loss for words. Come on Ed, you're letting me down. I know you have something smart-assed and unsulting to say about Hillary, Obama, or Edwards.

    I count on you to let me know where the rank and file conservatives stand on the issues. That way, I know where I'll be standing....on the opposite side.

  2. billb: Instead of taking potshots why dont you try to contribute something with this open thread. Rise above your normal gutter exitence and give the rank and file conservatives a real live leson in liberal thinking. I welcome the chance to watch the TRR bloggers respond to your ideas. Hopefully they will stay in good form.

  3. What do you think I'm waiting for? Ed and Reid to trot out their anti-this and anti-that opinions on everything. Then I'll respond.

    I'm not going to set myself up for attack from the right for no good reason. Give me an issue, including your position, and we'll talk.

  4. Typical of a back sniping under handed lowlife liberal-in-a-closet. At least you weren't referred to as a F*&^##ot or as a John Edwards disciple by the 2 aforementioned gentlemen.

  5. Ouch! Outing me as a liberal really hurt. What's the point of labels? I believe what I believe regardless of how you choose to characterize it.

    And using labels like "faggot" is the domain of conservatives. See Ann Coulter.
