Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Breck Girl plumbs a new low

John Edwards once bamboozled a stupid jury in North Carolina by pretending to channel a dead baby in court. His personal take on that trial was over a million dollars. Appallingly, The Breck Girl is now pretending to channel Jesus Christ himself in order to bamboozle North Carolina's stupid voters into nominating him for president...

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) -- Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards says Jesus would be appalled at how the United States has ignored the plight of the suffering, and that he believes children should have private time to pray at school.

Edwards, in an interview with the Web site Beliefnet.com, said Jesus would be most upset with the selfishness of Americans and the country's willingness to go to war "when it's not necessary."

"I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs," Edwards told the site. "I think he would be appalled, actually."

Edwards also said he was against teacher-led prayers in public schools, but he added that "allowing time for children to pray for themselves, to themselves, I think is not only OK, I think it's a good thing."

The willingness of democrats to say literally anything to get elected is astonishing in it's depravity. When I am reminded of how much liberals hate this country, it always astounds me. There is no more generous, selfless country in the history of man on Earth than the U.S.

When there is a natural disasater anywhere, to whom does the world look for help? Russia? China? Africa for heaven's sake? Europe? The dreadfully corrupt United Nations? No! None of these entities ever lifts a finger to help out. It's the American people that routinely send billions in aid all over the world to help people. The American taxpayers send 15billion a year alone to fight childhood AIDS in Africa. Name any other country who does more. How dare the Silky Pony accuse Americans of being selfish!

It is a fact that conservatives give way more in charity than liberals. You see democrats think it's the government's job to seize resources from private citizens to use for international charity. In their twisted, degenerate minds, this absolves them of the obligation to give personally. Republicans believe in the generosity of, and the ability of, the private sector to allocate charitable resources efficiently to where they're needed.

As for going to war needlessly, I would think that Jesus would want the U.S. to stop a blood-thirsty dictator from continuing to murder, by the tens of thousands, his own people with poison gas...to stop the rape rooms from operating 24/7...to stop the round-the-clock torture of women and children.

John Edwards is a pandering, dirtbag!

Hat tip breitbart.com.


  1. Here I go...

    Mr. Edwards, Jesus would not be disappointed in the ignorance of the plight around us. He IS disappointed in all our shortcomings, always. He, also has stated that we will always have the poor to assist. I think Jesus would be disappointed at your lack of compassion and understanding of the needs of those around you.

    Mr. Edwards, children need time to pray. As we all do. They however do not pray to themselves - they pray to GOD. I find it odd that you state it is acceptable for children to pray, but not to have an instuctor lead prayer time. Does that mean it is unacceptable for teachers to be christians? Does this fall under the bad role model category? I think your thought process is way out of balance.

    Now onto your points. The christian community of this country
    has done a remarkable job of aiding the victims of hurricane Katrina, the tornado's in Enterprise and many other situations, when time, effort, and money have been needed. I know this for a fact, in that I have done some of this work myself. This country has not ignored the plight around us. The citizens of this country regularly are aiding and asisting our less fortunate neighbors. The politicians of this country, for the most part, have forgotten and/or have ignored this need. Your views are appalling to me and I know that your motives are not just. I hope you can find your lost soul and that you will. Oration can be nothing more than clanging cymbals, without love
    in ones heart we are lost.

  2. Good comment Reid. The breck girl should be ashamed of himself. He's flat out lying about the selfishness of the American people.

    But remember, he needs there to be "two Americas" in order to cast himself as the righteous saviour who'll ride to the rescue of the less fortunate.

    A weasle of a trial attorney to be sure. Politically, I think he's a light-weight too, and thankfully, will not make it through the primaries with anything resembling a chance.
