Friday, March 02, 2007

Union pay-off

Contemptable democrats pay-off their labor-union masters by sticking it to America's workers...

WASHINGTON — Democrats rewarded organized labor Thursday for helping them retake control of Congress, passing a House bill that would make it easier for workers to start unions against companies' wishes.

The legislation, passed 241-185 on a nearly party-line vote, would take away the right of employers to demand secret-ballot elections by workers before unions could be recognized.

Union membership has been declining steadily for years, depriving union bosses of mandatory employee union dues and power over companies. Union bosses always contribute union dues to campaigns of democrats because they know democrats will dutifully and submissively reward them with legislation favorable to the MOB-like unions.

The disastrous minimum wage bill was the first pay-off from craven democrats to union bosses who bankrolled their November victory. (Unions love minimum wage increases because part of every union labor contract includes a tie to the minimum wage. Any increase in the minimum wage automatically results in a concomitant increase in the union hourly wage)

The second democrat pay-off to criminal labor bosses is the absurdly named Employee Free Choice Act. Normally, employees get to vote in secret, free of labor boss intimidation, on whether to unionize their own workplace. By making unionization voting public, this deplorable bill makes it much easier for union thugs to threaten employees and their families if they don't vote to unionize.

Employees who vote to not unionize are ruitinely subjected to thuggery and intimidation by union goons on the orders of union bosses.

Hopefully, the Senate republicans will stand up for employee freedom in the workplace, kill this horrible travesty of fairness and preserve employees' right to vote in private (like all other votes). George Bush has promised to veto the Employee Free Choice Act if it makes it through the Senate but with George you never know how he'll cave to democrats next.

Contact your Senators today and demand that they vote this bill down.

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