Wednesday, February 07, 2007

While Rome burns...

Is it just me or are you sick of this diapered astronaut story already. Look, if she performed her mission in space perfectly, which I believe she did, then what do we care if she was involved in an imaginary love triangle? The non-stop, wall-to-wall coverage of this story is maddening. I was just watching Greta VanSustern on FOX News, and she had guys camped out on this woman's lawn in Houston. Why? What could the media possibly learn by invading this woman's yard. The serious news media have become the paparazzi....and it infuriates me.

While most of America is agog over this stupid non-story, the border with Mexico remains open while thousands of criminals stream across in anticipation of an amnesty deal between Bush and the Democrats. In addition, the jihadists continue to plan our downfall in ways that would horrify us. Two of the three members of the axis of evil claim to have nukes. And nobody is asking Hillary hard questions.

All of this very serious stuff is happening to threaten our life and liberty, and we stupidly sit in front of the idiot box, transfixed by the story of a love-struck astronaut in diapers plotting the murder of her "rival".


They say there are certain traits that set the human species apart from all other animal species. Here's one: No other species in the history of life on Earth takes such pleasure in the misery of other members of their species like humans. I'm sick of Natalie Holloway. I'm sick of the Duke rape case. And I'm sick of Greta Van Sustern delving into the childhood of this astronaut to see if there were some tell-tale signs that foretold her current behavior.

FOX News has become part news organization and part Jerry Springer episode. The more salacious and perverted the story, the more coverage it gets. I can't watch this crap anymore!


  1. "I can't watch this crap anymore!"

    So, who is forcing you to watch it? Turn off your TV and get off your fat ass and jog around the blog a couple times. Sheesh!

  2. I didn't say I was being forced to watch anything, anonymous moron. If I wanted 24hour coverage of people behaving badly, I could watch "A Current Affair" reruns and daytime TV.

    Is it so unrealistic to expect a news organization to cover the important stuff? News coverage in America has turned into "voyer news". The more sleazy and perverted, the more airtime is devoted to it.

    Clearly "anonymous", you are a fan of "voyer news". Do you know what's going on in the world outside of who's moving on to the next round of AI?

  3. AI? I don't know what that is.

    If you aren't forced to watch it, why then are you complaining? Turn the fucker off. Better yet, do what I did 15 years ago, and simply get rid of your TV. After a couple weeks, you won't miss it.

    Instead, get your news from a newspaper or read it from a website. Obviously you can read and write, or did your mama read you my response and then write your comment?

    It's neocons like you who are dragging us real conservatives down to the level of those ignorant-ass liberals. When was the last time you went to a function for the Republican party and did more than nod your head in agreement with everything everybody said? When was the last time you went to a public meeting of your local government and took the liberals to task for their horseshit?

    Nah, you're just another neocon johnny-come-lately couch potato.

    All whine and no spine. Hell, I bet you didn't even serve in the military. I'm a decorated veteran of the United States Marine Corps. What can you claim?

  4. Clearly you haven't been reading this blog for long. If you had, you would know that I'm no neo-conservative, nor am I a head-nodding Republican. Nobody on this side of the isle has criticized Bush as I have...when he deserves criticism.

    Military pedigree in no way determines right to opine.

    I am happy with my local government for the most part. Partisanship generally plays much more of a role at the state and federal level, not so much locally.

    As for news sources, the fish wrappers sir, are about as biased as any news medium anywhere. Web sites generally are as well. That's why I get my news from as many different media as I can...TV, fish wrappers, online, radio, books, periodicals. Then I make up my mind from there.

    You sound awfully angry for a conservative. What do you have your panties all in a bunch over?
