Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Keeping an eye on the moonbats

Those wacky wingnuts over at TheDailyKos are at it again. This poll looks ridiculous until you realize that the people answering the poll are the Dem base....these idiots will determine who gets the Dem nomination...

Who is currently your favorite 2008 candidate?

Kucinich 4% 1181 votes

Obama 25% 6487 votes

Gravel 0% 120 votes

Richardson 6% 1695 votes

Clinton 4% 1080 votes

Clark 14% 3699 votes

Biden 0% 179 votes

Dodd 0% 119 votes

Vilsack 1% 316 votes

Edwards 26% 6714 votes

Other 8% 2067 votes

No Freakin' Clue 6% 1558 votes

And then there are the comments from breathless moonbats whose hearts are atwitter at the prospect of a Gore candidacy...

Moonbat #1 I'd put my life on hold if he ran.
I'd give him everything I have.

Moonbat #2 I think there are a lot of non-political people who would give Gore serious consideration this time. I think he would unite the country like no one else could. Please Al, get into the race!

Gore-Obama '08

The nutty democrat base obviously doesn't like Hillary. Instead, they like the Breck Girl and a light-weight who has been in politics for 20 months. Maybe all hope is not lost.

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