Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Frogs belong on my dissection microscope...not the flight line

I spent 16 years in the Georgia Air National Guard before I retired. I was in aircraft maintenance and worked as a weapons loader. The single greatest danger to both humans and the aircraft on the flightline is the jet's intake. With the engine winding up, it can literally pick up a wrench(or a person) off the ground and suck it into the turbines, destroying the engine. This damage is called "foreign object damage" or FOD. After every job performed on an aircraft, we had to do a tool inventory and a "FOD walk" to make sure the flight line was clean of any potential foreign objects. No matter what your rank, your were not exempt from FOD walks. That's how serious the flying community takes this threat to combat readiness. Having said that, I was shocked to read about these two morons...

I found this article from Stars and Stripes over on RightThinking

Two airmen — including one who pleaded guilty to trying to throw a frog into a running jet engine — were punished in separate courts-martial at Kunsan Air Base, officials there confirmed Tuesday.

These guys should get drummed out of the service altogether and maybe even serve hard time busting rocks at Ft. Leavenworth.

1 comment:

  1. Ed, I could have pegged you as former military. All the gung-ho, GI-Joe, pro-military rhetoric you write with. Only a grunt could be as patriotic as you. And that haircut.

    My goodness, spare me the blind nationalism.
