Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The tyranny of the minority

Once again, political correctness has ruined the fun for everybody...

This Snickers ad aired during the Super Bowl sparked complaints of homophobia that have resulted in the commercial being pulled.

"This type of jeering from professional sports figures at the sight of two men kissing fuels the kind of anti-gay bullying that haunts countless gay and lesbian school children on playgrounds all across the country," Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese said in a statement.

GLAAD spokesman Marc McCarthy said Tuesday the group believed "this kind of prejudice was inexcusable."

Seriously, is there a more humorless demographic than the gays? I swear!


  1. Regardless of its slur/reference, I thought the ad was tasteless and useless. Why show this type of programing during a family oriented program. I understand about ad revenue, shock value, etc., but this was beyond that. As a side note, I noticed that Snickers were on sale at half price yesterday in Rite Aid. Maybe the ad backfired and they are being cleared from the shelves. I will not buy them again. Shame on them.

  2. Reid, are you angry at Snickers for airing an ad that is offensive to fruits, or are you angry at Snickers for airing an ad featuring two straight men accidendally touching lips? It's hard to tell.

    I'll rephrase the question: Are you offended as a supporter of the rights of gays to not be offended by anything or are you offended as a fundamentalist, that Snickers would use "accidental homosexuality" to sell candy bars?

    I thought it was funny.

  3. I thought it was stupid. But if Snickers wants to pay $1million/30second to show two guys accidentally kissing and then being grossed out by it...who cares?

    I didn't think it was insulting to gays. Nor was I offended personally by it.

  4. billb I am angered at the state of the moral decay in our country. I am angered at people like you who think it is funny to watch 2 men "kiss" on an advertisement for candy bars (typically a product sold to and for kids). I find the current offerings on television and radio to be offensive in many ways, this angers me as well. We expose our soft underbelly to the world daily when we allow nudity and other deplorable actions(Jerry Springer) on the commercial airwaves. People like Howard Stern should not be allowed to broadcast his filth and degrading behavior on either form of the media. The paparrazzi press we have are disgusting. All they want is a sensational story (Christina Aguliera and her naked Sunday's), not something substantial and worthwhile, that might force an individual to think an form an opinion. I am mostly angered at the general public for wanting to be spoon fed and not wanting to learn anything. This country is on a downward spiral, you contribute to it, billb, by fostering these type of ads and shows. I wish I could get hold of a nielson rating guide. I also wish that you would alter your thinking to help protect the children of this country and not to exploit and dumb-them-down by tasteless and senseless advertisements and programs. It might be funny to you, as an adult you have that right, but why would you support this type of rhetoric that potentially demeans and hurts the kids.

  5. Reid, I am not espousing the debasement of our children, but in light of the fact that it's a free country, aren't you being rather puritanical to suggest that these things, however distasteful, be banned from the airwaves? Just don't watch/listen to it.
