Thursday, February 08, 2007

One good thing about France

It's time once again to start thinking about the Tour and I don't care that Floyd Landis disgraced his team and his country by doping (alledged).

PARIS - The French anti-doping agency postponed a decision Thursday on whether to suspend Tour de France winner Floyd Landis because of a positive doping test after he agreed not to race in the country this year.

The AFLD had been expected to rule, but agreed to an appeal by Landis to postpone their decision until after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency rules in May, AFLD president Pierre Bordry said. The AFLD will resume its discussion of the case in late June.

The decision came after Landis pledged not to race in France in 2007, Bordry said in a statement he read to reporters in Paris.

Look, even my enthusiasm was dampened by the doping scandal that rocked the field before last year's Tour. Then when it came to light that champion Floyd Landis had tested positive, it was even more a let down. That being said, I am still looking forward to the '07 Tour de France. Hopefully they can put all this behind them and have a competitive, clean race.

I know most of you think that bike racing is geeky, but what you don't realize, is that I don't care what you think.


  1. Ed, being a fan of bike racing makes you a dork, not necessarily a geek.

  2. Just because we like to sit and watch others work while sitting should not be classified as dorky. Odd yes, dorky no. Then there is that whole thing about watching men in tight fitting clothing but I won't go there.

  3. My wife thinks the daily shot of the stage winners gliding across the finish line with their "stuff" obscenely highlighted in lycra, is...well...obscene.

    I don't pay attention to that stuff. I think their arms are too skinny but for aerodynamics I guess that's necessary.

    I hope all the doping stuff is over with, so I can enjoy the Tour.
