Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pelosi's Pentagon slap-down

SanFranNan is blaming the Bush administration for the pentagon's refusal to give her unlimited access to a military plane almost the size of Air Force One. Denny Hastert got a plane on which to travel to Illinois, but it only held 12 passengers and there were strict regulations on who could fly on it. Pelosi wants to be able to fly non-stop to California with family, support staff, other representatives from Ca., constituents, and who knows who else? The cost of her using the bigger plane is like $15,000/hour or over $300,000 each round trip...all at tax-payer expense. The pentagon refused, saying that she could use the same small commuter jet that Denny Hastert used when he was Speaker. It costs the American tax-payers a fraction of the operational costs of the larger plane. In addition, like Hastert, her family and friends have to pay for a coach seat if they want to fly with her.

I don't have a problem with tax-payers getting hit up for the Speaker to use a military 9/11 it's kind of a security thing. But the Speaker doesn't need the equivalent of Air Force One to use. Besides, as a multiculturalist Democrat, Nancy's doing more to advance the cause of Islamification here in America than they could ever hope to. So they don't represent a security threat to her anyway.

Queen Nancy thinks that as the most powerful woman on Earth, she deserves all the perks and privileges that go with that status. Somebody needs to ask her about her contribution to global warming that jetting back and forth to California represents. What about her conspicuous consumption of biofuels she lectures all us little people with our SUV's about?

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