Thursday, February 08, 2007

iPods are a public menace in New York

Did you hear about this bit of nanny-state idiocy?

A New York state Senator is proposing a law to make it illegal to walk, jog or bike across the street while using an iPod, a BlackBerry or any other electronic device.

State Senator Carl Kruger said: “If you’re so involved in your electronic device that you can’t see or hear a car coming, this is indicative of a larger problem that requires some sort of enforcement beyond the applicaton of common sense."

If you're too stupid to look before crossing the street, then I'm sorry, but you deserve to be flattened by a produce truck. It's not the role of government to legislate how people pursue happiness, as long as it doesn't hinder the pursuit of happiness of others.

"But Ed", you whine,"this is a public safety issue. It's for our own good that we are restricted from activities that endanger us."

Show me in the Constitution where restricting otherwise lawful entertainment is a proper function of government, at any level, federal, state, or local. Millions of Americans are perfectly capable of crossing the street while doing any number of other things, reading, talking, IMing, texting, or listening to an iPod. Just because one idiot gets himself killed, we all should be restriced?

For crying out loud!

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