Friday, February 23, 2007

To tigers, children are lunch not photo-ops

How many people have to get eaten before humans recognize that 700lb, wild, carnivorous hunters and children shouldn't be put together for pictures?

(Kyodo) _ A tiger kept in a zoo in southwest China's Yunnan Province has bitten to death a 6-year-old girl who was waiting to take a picture with it, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported late Friday.
The report said the incident occurred Thursday at a zoo in Kunming, the provincial capital, when the girl was standing behind the tiger together with her mother and other relatives waiting to take pictures with the big cat.

When a camera flashed, the young male tiger suddenly turned around and attacked the girl, pulling her head into its mouth, witnesses were quoted as saying.

The tiger also reportedly bit the girl's mother on her left hand as she attempted to save her daughter.

By beating the tiger with sticks and wooden stools, animal trainers were able to retrieve the girl about 1 minute later, but an emergency operation at a nearby hospital failed to save her life.

Seriously, what is it going to take for people to realize that TIGERS EAT PEOPLE? Is a stupid photo worth the risk? I guess if you're oriental, and I can say this because I am part Chinese, using your camera trumps all wisdom and judgement. Moreover, the Chinese have way too many people anyway so if tigers eat a few, so what right?

Relax and get your shorts out of a wad....I'm kidding.

hat tip to

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