Friday, February 23, 2007

See, I told you so

See....just yesterday I blogged on the universal creepiness of clowns, and to what headline do I wake up today?...

When 12-year-old Amos Lutz met Kaspar the Clown at a circus in Leipzig, Germany, he got more than a faceful of water from a fake flower. Amos's mistake was to throw paper confetti at Kaspar - otherwise known as Bernd Kalster, 47 - as he walked by. Clown Bernd Kalster, 47, then punched and kicked helpless Amos to the ground. The clown has now been arrested and charged with causing actual bodily harm. He faces the prospect of six months in prison.

Amos said: ''He really hit me hard and was growling at me behind his smile. I was very frightened. It's not like I threw a stone at him, just some fluffy bits of paper.'

Sometimes I amaze even myself about how absolutely right I am about things.

Hat tip to and ConservativeGrapevine.

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