Friday, February 23, 2007

Stern the enabler

Even though the "talent" at FOXNews would argue with me, the death of Anna Nicole does not warrant 24/7 analysis....not when Iran is about to have nukes, the Iraq war rages aimlessly on, aliens continue streaming across the border, and liberal Democrats continue to undermine all that is right and good about the U.S. That being said, I have one thing left to add to this train-wreck of a non-story...Howard K. Stern, in my opinion, needs to be in jail.

He's one of many AnnaNicole dingleberries, but the only one who kept her so hopped up on drugs the she didn't know which way was up. I think he was her drug-pusher in every sense of the word...

-He secured methadone for her during her pregnancy.
-He filmed her in clown make-up during a mushroom trip while pregnant.
-He encouraged her to self-medicate with seriously heavy painkillers and other mind-altering drugs during her pregnancy.
-He kept her away from anybody who might actually have helped her clean up.
-Name a single time we saw her in the last 5 years that she wans't as high as a teenager's cell-phone bill, and each time, who was her constant companion? Stern.

If she died of a drug overdose, and Stern was her willing supplier, how is he not guilty of murder, or at the very least man-1?

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