Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gloria Steinem should be ashamed

What's an obedient follower of the great and benevolent Muhammad and the religion of peace to do when provoked by a harlot who refuses to cover herself?

A Pakistani minister and woman’s activist has been shot dead by an Islamic extremist for refusing to wear the veil.

Zilla Huma Usman, the minister for social welfare in Punjab province and an ally of President Pervez Musharraf, was killed as she was about to deliver a speech to dozens of party activists, by a “fanatic”, who believed that she was dressed inappropriately and that women should not be involved in politics, officials said.

I'd like to know where the gals over at N.O.W. stand on this. They showed their depravity when they stood silently by Bill Clinton as professional women just like them were personally smeared by James Carville for complaining that Bill had raped them. Here we have a successful Muslim woman fighting desperately for women's rights in Pakistan, in exactly the same way as the gals in N.O.W. like to think they did, and she gets murdered for expressing a political opinion and not dressing properly. I wonder if Gloria Steinem would have been so outspoken if the penalty had been certain death...somehow I doubt it.

Are the pathetic, craven bitties over at N.O.W. so politically entrenched with Democrats' love of all things Islamic, that they won't even stand up for one of their own when the religion of peace victimizes her?

Hat tip to Timesonline

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