Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The sky is falling!

The Earth is scheduled to end, and we look to the UN to save us...

By Irene Klotz

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - An asteroid may come uncomfortably close to Earth in 2036 and the United Nations should assume responsibility for a space mission to deflect it, a group of astronauts, engineers and scientists said on Saturday.

Astronomers are monitoring an asteroid named Apophis, which has a 1 in 45,000 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2036.

What's the incompetent UN going to do...write a harshly worded letter to the asteroid, demanding that it had better not destroy Earth or it'll write more harshly worded letters?

My prediction: The UN will form a panel of nations that will spend millions of US tax-payer dollars studying the asteroid. After a year of studying Apophis in the best restaurants Manhattan has to offer, all paid for by U.S. tax payers, the panel will demand that the U.S. do something to stop the asteroid from hitting Earth. After the Earth is safe from destruction, the U.N. will promptly criticize the U.S. for it's arrogant unilateral action in a harshly worder letter.

Hat tip to Reuters


  1. If you hold off til the last minute, you may actually beat the IRS in '36. I can't wait

  2. That's why I love you Reid...only you can find the silver lining to the end of the world.
